Friday, May 23, 2008

Lynroy, Lorilea, D.C. & me

It's not very often, when you move to a new area, that you have friends who say, "I'll come and visit you." Then they actually do. DH and I live near the nation's capital and love hosting and entertaining. Last week we had the privilege of hosting our friends Lorilea and Lynroy. We got to know them a lot better when DH and I were living in Michigan.

One fantastic thing about having our-of-town guests it that you get to go touring in your own city. It's rare that DH and I go to a museum or visit the White House (thought we talk about how we should).

Lorilea had a list of sights and attractions that they wanted to see. I scheduled a time to see everything they'd chosen and even a bit more. Among the sites were the presidential monuments, a couple art galleries and the Supreme Court. It was great because there were are couple of place that I'd never visited before.

Despite getting lost, and a wedding that started 1.5 hours late, a good time was had by all. Thanks for coming guys!! Hope you'll come again soon. If anyone else is seeking a vacation in the city, drop us a line and stop by soon!!!!! (there'll be a very special attraction if you come at the end of this summer!!!!:o)

(me at 25 weeks)


VJM said...

how cute are you?!?!?!?!?!

that is a fetus popping out of your shirt!!!

Jael said...

You never take me ANYWHERE!!!

Meanwhile, why are you posing barefoot and pregnant in front of the most obvious phallic symbol in our nations capital? Shame on you for setting us back.

j/p Dee, you look AMAZING!

Deidre C. said...

It's those dominicans! they know what to do with that hair.

jamila said...

this pic is amazing. sooo. good.