I can't believe we've made it to 6 months. She's growing like a weed and we're seeing her personality more and more. She's silly and loves to laugh, likes to play by herself and is very interested in clapping. She's beginning to stand on her own and looks very proud of herself when she accomplishes it. We took our first looooong road trip to MI and she did well and had a blast interacting with her buddy Addy and all of the other babes there. Last but not least: she's begun to eat banana. The verdict is out if she likes it or not but she's eating it none the less.
Body stats: 17lbs 11oz and 27 3/4 inches long.
Enjoy the photos for this month and as always click on the flickr button for more pics.
Chilling with Camille

Playing with Naomi

Meeting Yonah

Hanging out with "big sister" Addy

Trying banana for the first time.

These last three are from our 6 month photo shoot!

little zea is quickly becoming a big zea!!
D you did so good on your photoshoot yesterday.. Z looks aamazo as you would say! que viva la doula!
I can't believe she is six months, only 8 more days for us. Love all the pictures, what a cute little stander you have. P.s. could you send me the pic of Z and C?
very cute pictures! She is getting big
dats my girl rocking the skirt and pants. START EM YOUNG!
Wow! I can't believe it's 6 months already! She's such a cutie and looks like she had a great time with all her friends:-)
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