Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mind's Eye

"We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect."
Anaïs Nin

This quote has inspired me to share slivers of life that stand out and shimmer. Use your mind's eye to create a picture in your imagination. Enjoy this new, sporatic feature!

"Living is Simple!", We sang at the top of our lungs under the starry Mojave sky. Windows down, music blasting, our problems, issues, perspectives on life felt small and inconsequential after airing them to one another. Now, under the spell of the magnificent evening, we were setting aside self-indulgent pity, in order to celebrate joyfully with our sister. In small moments like these the enchantment revealed itself to me through the magic of friendship.


kaiandkristi said...

Beautiful writing!

jael said...

That car ride was my favorite of all time! Te love dee!

Lorilea said...

beautiful quote. thinking peace filled thoughts for you.