Thanks to my buddy Erica, I was able to share in a class of hers over a year ago, one of the students in that class decided that she wanted me to be her doula at that time though she was not with child. When she did find out that she was pregnant it was about the same time I did too but I didn't want to turn away her patronage. That is how she came to be my very last client before my own birth.
Over the weekend, she had a beautiful birth which resulted in a beautiful baby girl. It was perfect timing though the mom was more than ready to deliver I was grateful that everything went as it did. Observing her strength and courage to surrender to the power of birth encouraged me as I prepare to do the same any day now. . . I'm next up!
That was my last birth. On the side I occasionally take portraits of preggos, solitary folk and couples. My latest was an engagement session of my very good friend Denise and her fiance David. They are next up to get married. Things in both of our lives are crazy so this was the first time I've truly been able to see them interact. Thanks you two for your patience with the computer glitches. Here are a few pics from our time together.
With these two gigs behind me I now sit and wait for BC arriaval. . . NOT. There are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo many things to do before this baby comes. . . we'll see if BC will wait for just a couple more weeks. ;o)
Hope it all comes together, we go to see the midwives today..we shall see if I measure to small or not...I tried to eat lots, but I can only hold so much at a time these days.
Deidre, I am beyond in love with your blog. Love seeing all the things you feel and express with eloquent humor.
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