Zealand @ 7-8 months!
Time just seems to be flying. The last couple of months this little person has obtained so many new skills, such as clapping, jumping, dance/swaying, waving, kissing, crawling, pulling herself up and walking with support.
At seven months we introduced more solids to Zea's diet, which in turn, introduced us to a more solid and stinky poop. Neither Mama or Papi wanted to change those diapers. HD had the brilliant idea to have her pass her bowls like we do, on the potty. She gives clear signals when it's time to go potty so we've been putting her on and she knows now that's where business gets taken care of.
There were no official photo sessions from seven months but, here's one that was taken on a trip to the National Arboretum in DC. At that time she had barely three little teeth but was biting EVERYTHING.
Shortly after her eighth month birthday, Zealand rode on an airplane for the first time!
There have been quite a few flights I've shared with crying babies and my heart always goes out to the parents. Needless to say, I was a little bit leery about our experience. Our plane was scheduled to leave around her bed time so, we had her bathed and supped before we boarded. Upon take off I breastfed her and sang like we usually do before going to sleep and she drifted off and slept the entire flight! Boy, was I proud. As we disembarked a few folks commented that the didn't even know there was an infant on the flight! She did well on the return too!
We went to Vero Beach, FL, same as last summer. This time instead of having a baby inside, she was out and there were so many things to introduce to her. . .
Why a daughter needs a dad!
#077: so mom can take fun dad/daughter photos.
#083: to teach her how to be cool!
#094: to show her how the waves can tickle her toes.
#101: to be held tight in his strong arms when she's afraid!
#115: to hide her face in his shoulder when she doesn't want see what frightens her.
#121: to give her rides up high and hang on to ear handles.
#138: to have someone to enjoy each day with the breeze in her face and a song in her heart!
Though the initial beach intro didn't go so well after going everyday for nine days she grew to like it.
Her favorite part? The sand. Yum!
One last highlight of the beach trip: While out jogging HD spotted this little fellow making his way out to sea. You may remember him from wordless Wednesday a couple weeks back. Well here's a close up of the baby logger head turtle. We're not sure if he was last to go or just an early bird but it was so cool to see him.
Saratoga Surprise
Our vacation time was completed with our annual surprise destination. Each year the one of us plans a surprise destination for vacation this year it was HD's turn. He was craving the mountains. After much research decided to take us to the Adirondacks. We visited Lake George and stayed in Saratoga Springs, New York. It was soooo beautiful. Our first day there we hung out at Lake George and toured the surrounding area. I'm sad to report that I forgot my camera to capture the amazing vistas. The following days we did a driving tour and visited the city of Saratoga Springs. Very quaint little place and it made it to the list of places HD and I want to live when we grow old. I really only took pics of the baby, but in a local park HD shot this one of Zea and me!
Odds and Ends
As of today, Zealand has 5-6 teeth. (that last one just broke the surface this morning)
One of her favorite hang outs is the laundry basket.

And next week she'll be nine months!! I can hardly believe that time has past so incredibly fast.
On different note some of you may know that I was working with a group of doulas at Holy Cross Hospital (a local hospital here). Due to budgetary restraints they've cut the program but I'm soooooooo proud to announce that we are going into business for ourselves!!!! These wonderful ladies and I
are now part of a private doula group named: By Your Side Birth Services !!!!
I am still taking minimal private clients but being in this group gives me flexibility to be with Zea and still do what i absolutely love!! I'm working on expanding my career so stay tuned for future updates!
Well I hope you enjoyed this "little" catch up post and as promised here's a little video of Zea with some clips from about a month ago.
DEEEE!!!! This was amazing! AMAZING! AMAZING!!!!
reason #157-- so he can hold her while Mommy takes fabulous photos!
WoW! Megapost is right;-) So much has happened and you have so many great pictures. I can't believe Zea is going potty on the toilet!! Way to go!!!
i'm speechless... and wishing i was on a plane headed for your home.
I can't deal!!!! there is SO MUCH i'm missing from you life!!!!
I love you!
ahh she is so cute!! and yeah for the potty pooping! wow -impressive!
I see two new doula faces in the doula group! congratulations to you all! so very exciting!! tell them I say hello!
wow. a little jealous about the fun vacations. i noticed a slight difference in the topic of your posts from last year's trip to florida and this year's. =)
I have no words for how much joy I felt reading this post. So happy for you and Otis.
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