Friday, November 27, 2009

Cus we've been away for awhile. . .

it's a vlog!


jael said...

I can't believe that! It can't be real! she's amazing! Que Dios la Bendiga!

Heather said...

She is AMAZING!! So fun to see her little facial expressions again and hear all that she is learning to do. You are both doing a wonderful job raising that not so little girl!!!

Anonymous said...

fabulous! or shall i say amazo!?
i do believe she was kinda harmonizing. again. this child is incredible! well done chica.

Name: Lorilea said...

LynRoy and I loved the video! Zea is so cute!

kaiandkristi said...

She is SOO cute!! What a little smartie you have on your hands. She has such a cute little personality too :-)

Erica said...

she has my heart... que linda!