Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!!

"Time is passing soooo fast!" was the unofficial mantra of 2010! Although I don't expect that to change, I hope to adopt something more intentional and motivating for this new year.

Already today, as I witnessed a bit of life magic while swinging with my daughter, feelings of hopefulness of all the newness this year will bring, flooded my spirit. Somewhere deep in my core I am certain this year will be different. There were many surprises, twists and turns during 2010 but this year will be different somehow.

My personal journey has been very enlightening. New notions and concepts seem to be revealed through regular conversations, silent times, reading randomness. As I become more open to God teaching me about me I hope to share more regularly in this space to process and come to a fuller understanding in making sense of this life, this story that I'm writing everyday.

Happy New Year to all! And one of my goals is to post weekly, por lo menos!


Erica said...

feliz a~o nuevo Deee!!!
i'll be checking for updates :D

kaiandkristi said...

Yay!!! I can hardly wait to find out more about what's going on in your life! We miss you guys!