Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2011: Word of the Year!

I've been so busy living life, there's been no time to blog. . . perhaps once a week posting was a bit too ambitious.

Each year one of my favorite bloggers, Ali Edwards, chooses a word as a theme for her year. In past years I've been skeptical. My free flowing personality likes to see how things develop and not be tied to "one" thing. Last year as I let the theme unfold, it just ended up being a lot of me seeming to play catch up and realizing how fleeting time really, truly is. Over my birthday, my time of reflection and annual commitment, I wanted things to be different, more intentional. So, when Ali shared her new word for this year I decided I should pick one too. Just a word, no resolutions, empty promises, or expectations to live up to. This year it did not seem so daunting.

So my word seemed to come to me again and again over the first week of January. I initially did not want to accept it because of fear, my biggest enemy. I wanted something more simple, charming, warm and fuzzy. That is NOT what I'm suppose to be about this year, so I'm learning.

Now, drum roll please, my word, that chose me, for 2011 is OPEN.
Open to love. Open to change. Open to the unexpected. Open to pain, failure and fear.
Open to growth.

I've spent so much of my life in self-protection, not wanting pain and fear to creep in. By trying to keep them out I have also omitted some positive facets of life. Already, as the month comes to a close I have made choices that are breaking the pattern. As 2011 forges ahead, I am Open to becoming.


Erica said...

i love the new look.. and i'm a supporter of Open :)

Lorilea said...

So proud of you! You're one of the most talented amazing wonderful friend (and all my friends are that) I have!!! 'Open' is a wonderful choice.

Heather said...

Love this choice of words! You have really taken hold of this word! Continue to be open and see what wonderful things God has in store for you.