I promise, this girl has been smiling since she left the womb. First in her sleep, now in the past few weeks while interacting with HD or me!! I have been desperately trying to encapsulate this phenomenon in digital form. Finally this morning, I got it! Now I share it with you!

We smile not only because she does, come next April we hope to be getting a little more money with the return!
uh oh! she's looking more and more like a chunky breastfed baby! totally adorable...
and she has the cutest little dimple!
LOL Deidre, the shirt is absolutely funny and adorable- "ultimate tax deduction"!! LOL LOL
Zealand is beautiful!!
Otis & Deidre...Zea is a fearfully & wonderfully made little girl!! I pray God's blessings on you both as you parent her. Girls steal your heart, as I have learned with our daughter Matea. Enjoy every moment...they go by so fast(sigh)
its been over a month!! blog again :o)
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